Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Whitecaps vs Puerto Rico game

This game was the game to determine which team moves on to the final championship game.It was a very intense game. Both teams have a solid record of winning.On Ocotober 11th they played each other and it was a tie.For their home game on the 14th,I was one of the ball  retreive around the field.It was very exiting!The goalie on the Puerto Rico team looked like a bull!He was very scary!
Since I was right on the field I got to hear what they said. They talked a lot but mostly sweared. Number 14 on the Puerto Rico team got a yellow card for swearing!In the first half there was so many chances for the Whitecaps to score but they over played the ball.There was almost a big fight but the"bull" got mad at his team ,so they backed off and got a yellow card.There was no goals in the first and second half.The Puerto Rico team missed the net by that much.They had to wait for a while because the crazy fans befind the net set of the fog machines.The "Bull" coudn't see!!So since nobody got any goals,they had to go into over time that will last 15 minutes.The overtime period was so intense!You thought one minute that the Whitecaps were on a break away but then the next second the Puerto Rico team had the ball and was going for net!At the end of the overtime it was still 0-0.So now they had to go into the second overtime period.If either team didn't get a goal they would have to go to a shoot out.There was only 4 minutes left in  this overtime  period when the Puerto Rico team got a goal.At this point the Whitecaps lost hope, people in the stands started to leave.But the game had to contiune.The Whitecaps got a corner kick in the other end,so the Whitecap goalie came out to help get a goal.But with only seconds left in the game with an emty net the Puerto Ricans got a loose ball and shot from half way and got they're second goal and win the game.!
Then the whitsle blew,the Whitecaps lost.But in my opinion the Whitecaps out played the other team.The Puerto Ricans just had some lucky bounces.
                          Check next week for a new team!!!


  1. Wow! This sure sounds like it was quite a game! You are so lucky to have been able to be a ball girl at a play-off game! I am envious :) I went to one Whitecaps game this season with my sister and two friends. It was against the 'Aztex' from somewhere in Texas (Austin? ...I believe?).

  2. That is so cool!!! Were any of you put on tv???

  3. I like your description of the Puerto Rican goalie -the 'Bull' :)
    Nice blog.


  4. Well thank you all very much,for posting these comments!
